Hi There!

Hello n Welcome :)

Stuffs I'm selling here were initially bought for myself. I'm letting it go for either of these reasons:

a. Never get to use it
b. Can no longer fit it
c. Its not really my style

So take a look.. You might be interested *wink*

Feel free to query me, or ask me for discounts.. U never know.. hehe :D

Happy Shopping!

p/s - drop ur message here: mdm.mimi@gmail.com
p/p/s - I'll be charging a minimum of RM5 for postage.

Somerset Bay Maroon Top

The fact that I never got to wear this top really saddened me. Bought it when I ws pregnant, thinking I might fit in post-deliver. Well... obviously I CANT :(

So, the blouse is almost new, only tried it a few times, still failed to button all and look decent. The thing I love about it is the colour and the soft flowing ribbon that look so chic and ladylike :)

I remember its price, RM149.90.. I'm selling at RM85.

Drop me a message: mdm.mimi@gmail.com

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